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Excited for your photo session but don't know what to wear?

Here's some things to keep in mind so you are both comfortable & happy with your final images!

Outfit Guide

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colors & patterns

stay neutral

I want your personality to be the star, not your clothes! Keep things simple with style that is neutral. Even if you love neon & bold patterns it is best to leave those at home, they will stand out and likely take focus off of you.


Be mindful of where your photo session will take place. Try to avoid wearing colors that will surround you. We don't want a camouflage effect. For example, if we are shooting on a trail, avoid browns that will blend into the trees behind you.


When in doubt, ask my opinion. Reach out to me for outfit input or if you're having trouble deciding between options!

have options

wear layers & textures

Because you won't be wearing bold patterns, textures add a level of flair and sophistication to your outfit that will only elevate the final imagery. By wearing textures, like tweed & fringe as an example, we will be able to create an aesthetic unique to you and your photo session. 

Along with texture, think about layers. With hour sessions, an outfit change may be tricky but if you have multi layers, like sweaters, jackets, scarves, etc., you can quickly change the look of your outfit by adding or taking away the layers. 

dress for the weather

plan for the New England weather

Keep an eye on the weather prior to your shoot day. This is key especially in the winter months. We will be taking photos, taking layers on and off  throughout your session, it will get cold but we can manage the weather by keeping a blanket or jacket close by. Please be prepared so you are comfortable. & don't be afraid to speak up if the weather is not working for you. If you are not comfortable the day of the session, that will show through in the final photos.

be authentic to you

choose confidence & comfort 

Don't go out of your way to find an outfit that isn't your style. Wear what makes you feel confident and comfortable. Your personality will be the focus of the session, your outfit is there to compliment that!

For those planning a couple session, be unique to yourself. Do not match your partner completely. Strive for complimentary not twinning outfits, you will thank me when you see your gallery. HA!

my picks

still need help? 

Looking to buy something new but not sure where to shop? 

Here's a list of my favorite places to shop right now...​

  • Thrift stores, second hand, vintage




  • TJ Maxx

  • Target

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